Burley And Woodhead Church of England Primary School

  1. About Us
  2. Staff


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Headteacher Mrs Nina Dobson
Deputy Head Teacher: Mr Andrew Wilkinson

Reception Class:

Miss L Rew
Mrs D Hudson

Mrs H Pratt

email: reception@burleywoodhead.com

Year One:

Mrs A Haddy
Miss B Inman

Mrs T Williams

email: yearone@burleywoodhead.com

Year Two:

Miss C Baxter
Mrs S Burnell

Mrs S White

email: yeartwo@burleywoodhead.com

Year Three:

Miss Hussain
Mrs Kenington
Mrs Lear
email: yearthree@burleywoodhead.com

Year Four:

Mrs Whitaker
Mrs Gawrylo

Miss Harris

Mrs Foley

email: yearfour@burleywoodhead.com

Year Five:

Mr Wilkinson
Mrs Conlon
email: yearfive@burleywoodhead.com

Year Six:

Mr Deery

Mrs F Parker

email: yearsix@burleywoodhead.com

The English Hub @ Burley Woodhead Primary

Strategic Lead Mrs J Siddall
Hub Lead Mrs S Scott

Hub Manager

Mrs J Birch

email: admin@burleywoodheadenglishhub.com

School Office:

School Business Manager: Mrs V Lister
School Administrator: Mrs S Richardson

email: office@burleywoodhead.com

Learning Mentor:

Miss S Hughes

email: learningmentor@burleywoodhead.com


Mrs Lorraine Simpson

email: office@burleywoodhead.com

Site Manager:

Mr B Gibbons

email: office@burleywoodhead.com

Wraparound Provision:

Mrs White

Miss Inman

Mrs Birch

Miss Harris

Miss Lister

Miss  McTear

Mrs Sumner

Miss Walker

email: sunrise@burleywoodhead.com