Our Burley Woodhead Me Curriculum – rooted in our Christian Values - is embedded securely and applied consistently across school.
Whilst following the structure of the National Curriculum, our Burely and Woodhead Me Curriculum is creatively constructed around the needs of our children. Planning is tightly and coherently sequenced over space and time by knowledgeable subject leaders. Creative enthusiastic approaches to curriculum delivery ensure consistently high levels of engagement from children, while a focus on key knowledge elements in each curriculum area enables children to build knowledge sequentially.
Using a dialogic talk approach to teaching and learning ensures children are encouraged to think deeply, ask questions, discuss, develop and challenge opinions.
Class reading schemes occupy a central role in the life of every classroom. This provides all children with opportunities to develop a love of reading within an active community of readers.
The different aspects of our unique Burley Woodhead Me curriculum extend into every single aspect of our school life. Together with our 6 Christian values, children have a stable, encompassing framework to develop holistically, morally and spiritually. As a result, pupils achieve significantly above the national average in all national benchmarks and pupil progress scores have consistently been positive for many years.
Our children have the knowledge, skills and wisdom and values they need to leave our school as respectful, resilient, confident, caring individuals with a love of learning – they are our greatest Burley and Woodhead Me advocates.
Year Group Planning Overviews
Phonics Reading Schemes
At Burley and Woodhead Primary School we are committed to the delivery of excellence in the teaching of Phonics. We aim to develop each child so that they are able to read with fluency as well as develop a love of reading that will stay with our children all their lives.
Music Development Plan
The DFE requires that schools publish and annually update a summary of their music development plan in order to:
- raise awareness of our music development plan
- promote the school music offer to parents and prospective parents
- give greater opportunity for schools and music hubs to work together
Our 2024 -25 Music development plan can be accessed by clicking here.
Special Education Needs and Disability
Quality First Teaching (QFT) is the foundation for learning that takes place for all pupils in school. Teaching is appropriately differentiated using Bradford’s Best Endeavours and Matrix of Need documents for advice on provision for children with SEND. This feeds into our continuous whole school processes for assessing, planning, implementing, tracking, monitoring and reviewing pupils’ progress . Teachers have the highest possible expectations for all pupils in their class. For pupils with SEND support or an EHCP there may be specific programmes delivered as well as specialist resources. We implement the Graduated Approach of Assess – Plan – Do – Review in line with the Code of Practice to accurately tailor provision, seeking specialist support when needed.
SLT carefully plan staffing to ensure the children with SEND have the appropriate level of adult support in class to deliver their provision. Every child’s well-being is at the centre of their curriculum with staff nurturing their development in a sensitive and discreet manner. Our school is fully inclusive and we encourage all children to access our Sunrise and Sunset club and other recreation clubs which take place within the school day and after school.
If you have any questions concerning about how we make our curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs, please see our SEND pages of the website, or contact our SENDco, at senco